Custom Options Magento 2 Extension

In this post we will talk about our Custom Options Magento 2 extension. But before this, lets first understand why it is useful and what is missing in Magento 2? We all know that adding Custom Options for products is very easy in Magento 2. Custom Options provides an easy way to show set of product variations in your Magento store. But having large number of products in your store makes them useless. That means, if you have large number of products then it can become mess to manage them for all your products. By default, Magento does not provide any user-friendly interface for managing or handling large custom options in many different products. Magento just provides a dead simple interface to add Custom Options for your products. Check below steps for creating Custom Options in Magento 2:

1. Login to Magento Admin Panel and navigate to Products > Catalog

copy delete custom options Magento 2 extension


2. Click on ‘Edit’ link corresponding to the product you want to create customizable options for

manage custom options Magento 2 extension


3. Scroll down and look for ‘Customizable Options’ accordion and click ‘Add option’ button

handling applying custom options Magento 2 extension


4. Enter ‘Option Title’ & select ‘Option Type’ from drop-down list and check the required checkbox if the option is required at the time of purchase

managing custom options Magento 2 extension


5. Provide the necessary information like Title, Price and Price Type for each and every value

 adding custom options Magento 2 extension


6. Click ‘Save’ button to save the product and Custom Options for the product should be visible in frontend

If you want to learn how to add Custom Options in Magento 1.x.x then please check this previous article.

So, we have seen that we have to manually create Custom Options for each product. Hence, if we have thousands of products in our Magento store then it becomes tedious job to add custom options in all of them. Similarly, if we want to delete Custom Options from many products at once then too there is no way of doing this in one click. So, then how to deal with this limitation of custom options?

The answer is our Custom Options Magento 2 extension. If your Magento products have identical custom options then Medma Copy / Delete custom options Magento 2 extension will help you to re-apply them across your product catalog. You can mass-assign custom options to multiple products in your Magento store. Medma Copy / Delete custom options Magento 2 extension lets you easily apply set of custom options to any number of products. Want to download this beautiful extension? Click here to buy it.

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